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Phone New


Coming soon to Android smartphones from Microsoft?

Posted By: Nguyen van tung - 5:33:00 am


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Currently, Windows Phone only 3% market share in mobile devices in spite of the many changes since Windows Phone 7 (2010). Recently, Microsoft announced Windows 10 Mobile platform but apparently it was not enough make users happy.
A recent report from a senior executive of Microsoft (Julie Larson-Green) said software giants are changing their approach to mobile devices. Julie Larson-Someone asked whether the firm Green have never used Android on their products instead of denying it, she replied: 'We will go wherever the customer needs'. This means that it does not exclude the possibility of creating an Android smartphone.
This is not the first time Microsoft has allowed Android onto your device, Nokia X debuted during transfer between Nokia and Microsoft is an example of the flexibility of its business. Not to mention Microsoft also recently launched apps for Android Interestingly they also link with manufacturers custom ROM known as Cyanogen to integrate its service to Android that is not dependent on Google, it can The move to prepare for the launch of its Android smartphone very soon.

Microsoft has previously developed a feature that users can install Android on Windows Phone, thereby creating their products running Android with nothing too difficult. Anyway, this is just speculation and the time will give us the most accurate answer.

About Nguyen van tung

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment

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