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Phone New


Latest version of Windows 10 was exposed Mobile

Posted By: Nguyen van tung - 9:32:00 pm


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It is expected a few days Build version replaces Windows 10 Mobile 10 575 will reach users and today, the newly leaked Build it. It is expected there will be many changes, upgrades in this new version.
Yesterday, account Gabe AUL has revealed that instead of the 10 575 Build, Microsoft has developed and will launch a higher version for users in the next few days. And today, that version has just arrived.
Accordingly, the latest images show that the new version will be called Build 10581, most likely it will be updated on today or tomorrow. Although still not clear what new features on this version, but many people believe that it will be upgraded, smoother, less errors. Now I tried to check for updates on the Lumia 730 running Build 10 572 but has yet to see the new version. You try to check for updates and then share the new experience.

About Nguyen van tung

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment

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