Phone New

Phone New


Microsoft is quietly studying new phones

Posted By: Nguyen van tung - 5:55:00 am


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After several days of waiting, the believers Windows Phone smartphone Lumia has received two high-end Lumia 950 from Microsoft and 950 XL. But perhaps this is just foreplay because Microsoft is planning for a phone line other attractions.
A recent article on the subject of the order for the Surface PCs Book from tech site Wired has revealed information about a new Microsoft phones.

This information Panos Panay cause, Leader Development Book Surface computer share, according to this position, Microsoft is using plenty of CNC cutting machines in Building 87 building, a place where the company devoted to the research and development of new products. Some of the CNC cutting machine is being used to create a prototype for its new phones.
Unfortunately, at this time, there has never been any information on the configuration as well as the time that the new phone will appear. Is whether it is a Surface Phone that we've expected all along?

About Nguyen van tung

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment

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